celebrating 270 years
1755 - 2025
89B Churchill Way
SK11 6AT
what3words: glad.mixer.manage
01625 423259
since 1755

chemicals, salts and oils
a wide range of chemicals and oils sold for home, garden and hobby use. products marked with an * are sold loose or packaged in store. we operate a deposit scheme for our glass bottles, so you benefit if you return them for reuse.
chemicals for home
ammonia * - for cleaning
bicarbonate of soda * - cleaning
borax substitute (sodium sesquicarbonate) * - laundry additive
citric acid * - cleaning, descaling and for making bath bombs
marseille soap flakes * - soft olive oil soap flakes
perchlor (percholroethylene) * - dry cleaning spot stain treatment fluid
soda crystals (sodium carbonate / soda ash) * - laundry additive, drain cleaner, and general cleaning agent
sodium hydroxide (caustic soda / lye) * - drain unblocker​
bleaches and disinfectants
black fluid (cresol based disinfectant for outdoor use only) *
formaldehyde 38% / 10% methanol *
hydrogen peroxide 3% (10 vol) *
hydrogen peroxide 12% (40 vol) *
sodium hypochlorite 14% *
sodium percarbonate (oxy bleach / oxi bleach / green bleach) * - colour safe laundry bleach
pool / hot tub tablets (stabilised chlorine bleaching agent, trichloroisocyanuric acid) - for use in tablet dispensers after suitable pH adjustment
alcohols and solvents
acetone * - suitable for nail varnish remover and gel nail remover​
n - butanol (n - butyl alcohol) *
distilled water *
​hexane (mixed isomers)
isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) 99% *
​methanol *
turpentine, natural (gum turpentine distilled from tree resins) *
white spirit *
xylene (mixed isomers)
acetic acid 99% (glacial) *
hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid) 10% *
oxalic acid 5% * - wood bleaching and rust removal
sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol) 10% *
distilled white vinegar 5% *
fuel oils
chafing gel
methylated spirits *
lamp oil and outdoor citronella lamp oil
wellbeing, medical and veterinary
castor oil b.p.
dead sea salts *
diatomaceous earth *
epsom salts *
glycerin b.p.
himalayan salts *
iodine tincture 7% *
liquid paraffin (animal use only) *
surgical spirit plus b.p. (surgical spirit with added methyl salicylate - oil of wintergreen) *
organic vegetable glycerin
distilled witch hazel *
gums and resins
gum rosin (pine resin / colophony / greek pitch) *
specialist chemicals
alum, ammonium (aluminium ammonium sulphate) *
alum, potassium (aluminium potassium sulphate) *
​copper sulphate *
potassium hydroxide *
saltpetre (potassium nitrate) *
sodium sulphite
flower of sulphur *
wood treatment oils
boiled linseed oil *
danish oil *
mineral oil (pig oil) *
raw linseed oil *​
teak oil *
tung oil *
*goods sold loose or packed in store - in the tradition of a drysalter
fertilizers and wild bird products sold loose
for our loose garden and wild bird range see here